Broadmoor Huntington Harbour To provide residents who volunteer for committee membership the opportunity to have participate in online discussions to help the Board to reach consensus on issues. en-us Review of Pool and Spa Rules Please, open both files, which will allow you to read the rules, and when there are footnote numbers, you'll be able to read the reference in the other file. You are encouraged to click on the underlined links in the Reference file which will take you to the actual source of the extract that appears in the Reference file.

To help to go back and forth from the Rules file and the Reference file, position your cursor over either of the two files below and right click your mouse. There should be two options; either "Open link in a new tab" or "Open link in a new window". Pick whichever will work best for you.



Fri, 09 May 2014 01:30:08 +0000
Improvement Suggestion

Please take this opportunity to suggest to the association's board of directors a way to improve how our association performs or to acknowledge an individual for special recognition.

Sun, 08 Sep 2013 11:44:31 -0600